Juujika No Rokunin
Juujika No Rokunin
English ”Is it okay to kill people?" A treacherous revenge suspense by Shiryu Nakatake, a newcomer to Bessatsu Shonen Magazine. "Shun, if someone is converted, let him go and do nothing. He should be given a chance to be reborn." "Grandpa, I hope he doesn't reincarnate himself." In order to defeat several non-human monsters, the boy also became something non-human. Shun Uruma, a sixth-grade student, was named "Experimental body: A" by five of his classmates and was severely bullied and lived in hell. His only peace was with his brother, who loved him, and his parents, who protected him.... . until the five monsters killed his family. When he finally loses everything and faces true hell, a dark "wish" is born inside Shun. He was reborn under the training of his grandfather, who served in a secret unit during WWII. Now, four years later, he appears in front of his fated enemy. "I won't let ANYONE get in the way of my revenge." FRANÇAIS Spoiler"Est-ce que c'est bien de tuer des gens ?" Un thriller de vengeance par Shiryu Nakatake, un nouveau venu dans le magazine Bessatsu Shōnen. Shun Uruma, un élève de 6ème, a été nommé "Sujet de test A" par cinq de ses camarades de classe. Il a été sévèrement malmené et a vécu un enfer. Sa seule joie était son frère, qui l'aimait, et ses parents, qui le protégeaient... jusqu'à ce que ces cinq monstres tuent sa famille. Lorsqu'il perd finalement tout et qu'il affronte le véritable enfer, un sombre "souhait" naît en lui. Il renaît sous l'entraînement de son grand-père, qui a servi dans une unité secrète pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Aujourd'hui, quatre ans plus tard, il apparaît devant son ennemi juré. "Je ne laisserai personne m'enlever cette vengeance."
Episódios 166
May 14, 2024
Karina's Last Days
Karina's Last Days
As the middle child who is neither the heir nor the cherished younger twins, Karina has lived her whole life hidden away from others. She, who only had one hobby of painting, found out that she only had one year left to live. So without a plan, she went to visit her fiancé who she barely knew… To annul the engagement as he always wanted. \"I won’t beat around the bush. I want to spend a year here.\" \"...Milady, have you gone crazy?\" \"In return, I\'ll agree to annul the engagement.\" But, she didn\'t know then. That she would receive the unconditional love that she had never received her whole life from him, and that she would come to have a desire to live her once meaningless life. --- Though gifted with an ability to bring her drawings to life, Karina Leopold spent her years in the shadow of her famous siblings, forced to be the good daughter her parents wanted. But when she\'s told that a deadly disease will kill her in a year, she offers a deal to her fiancé, Milian Pastellio, with the goal to live the remainder of her days far from her family\'s reach. Much to her surprise, their encounter proceeds to change them both in a way she never imagined... --- [Original Novel](https://page.kakao.com/content/52783700) **Official English Translation of the Novel:** [Radish](https://radishfiction.com/stories/29265), [Tapas](https://tapas.io/series/karinas-last-days-novel/info) **Original Webtoon:** [Daum](https://webtoon.kakao.com/content/%EC%8B%9C%ED%95%9C%EB%B6%80-%EC%97%91%EC%8A%A4%ED%8A%B8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%98-%EC%8B%9C%EA%B0%84/2746), [KakaoPage](https://page.kakao.com/home?seriesId=58261408) **Official Translations:** * [English](https://tapas.io/series/karinas-last-days/info) * [Chinese (Simplified) / 汉语](https://www.podoteng.com/) * [Chinese (Traditional) / 漢語](https://tw.kakaowebtoon.com/content/%E9%85%8D%E8%A7%92%E7%9A%84%E5%80%92%E6%95%B8%E4%BA%BA%E7%94%9F/243) * [French / Français](https://piccoma.com/fr/product/916) * [Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia](https://id.kakaowebtoon.com/content/Limited-Extra-Time/73) * [Japanese / 日本語](https://piccoma.com/web/product/88153) * [Thai / ภาษาไทย](https://th.kakaowebtoon.com/content/%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%B5%E0%B9%88%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%82%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%B3%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%94%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B2/291)
Episódios 44
May 14, 2024