Saito-kun Wa Esper Rashii
Saito-kun Wa Esper Rashii
Saitou, a rather arrogant kid, announces his super power to his class on the first day of high school. He imagines that it will make all the girls swoon, and he'll be crazily popular. Unfortunately, his ability to bend a spoon looks more like a cheap trick than a super power, and everyone laughs in his face. Soon he learns that he is not the only kid with superpowers at the school, and there is even a Super Powers Research Club. He soon finds himself dragged into the society of a friendly invincible girl, a violent telekinetic girl, and a mind-reader. Rather than being swooned over, Saitou appears to have the least impressive ability of the group! Is there any way for him to get the happy high school life he was hoping for? Russian / Русский Spoiler Сайто, довольно высокомерный ребенок, объявляет классу о своей сверх способности в первый же день школы. Он думает, что это заставит всех девушек пищать от восторга и он будет безумно популярным. К сожалению, его способность сгибать ложки больше похожа на дешевый трюк, чем на сверх способность, и все смеются ему в лицо. Вскоре он узнает, что он не единственный ребенок со сверх способностью в школе, и есть даже клуб исследований сверх способностей . Вскоре он оказывается втянутым в общество дружелюбной непобедимой девушки, жестокой девушки-телекинетика и человека, который читает мысли. Судя по всему, Сайто не только не производит должного впечатления, но и имеет наименее впечатляющую способность в группе! Есть ли у него шанс получить ту школьную жизнь, о которой он мечтал?
Saito kun wa Esper Rashii Vol. 4 Ch. 26.5
Nov 28, 2020
Heaven Official's Blessing
Heaven Official's Blessing
Eight hundred years ago, the pure-blooded and noble Crown Prince, Xie Lian, was a well-regarded child of heaven with unlimited boundaries. However, who knew that after ascending, achieving immortality and becoming a Martial God that thousands of people worshipped, that his life would only go downhill. He was demoted and fell down the ranks until he reached rock bottom. Eight hundred years later, Xie Lian has ascended once again, but this time he has neither the followers nor any incense burned in his name. One day, on his way back from collecting trash, he picks up a mysterious youth and takes him home. This particular youth however, actually turns out to be Hua Cheng, the infamous Ghost King known throughout the three realms who could change both his gender and appearance at the flip of a dime. NOTE: Heaven Official's Blessing has been re-released on bilibili from the prologue with some special extras due to the original release not being very coherent unless you've read its source material (novel). This is the new version. Bahasa Indonesia SpoilerDelapan ratus tahun yang lalu, Putra Mahkota berdarah murni dan mulia, Xie Lian, adalah anak surga yang dihormati dengan batas yang tidak terbatas. Namun, siapa yang tahu bahwa setelah naik, mencapai keabadian dan menjadi Dewa Perang yang disembah ribuan orang, bahwa hidupnya hanya akan menurun. Dia diturunkan dan peringkatnya menurun sampai mencapai titik terendah. Delapan ratus tahun kemudian, Xie Lian telah naik sekali lagi, tetapi kali ini ia tidak memiliki pengikut atau dupa yang terbakar dalam namanya. Suatu hari, dalam perjalanan kembali dari mengumpulkan sampah, ia bertemu seorang pemuda misterius dan membawanya pulang. Namun pemuda khusus ini, ternyata adalah Hua Cheng, Raja Iblis yang terkenal di tiga alam yang dapat mengubah jenis kelamin dan penampilannya dengan cepat.
Ch. 2 A Terceira Ascensão Celestial (Parte 2)
Nov 22, 2020
Doctor’s Rebirth
Doctor’s Rebirth
I had been abroad to do medical volunteer work, when I was swept up in a civil war. I was killed by a rebel soldier, while taking a bullet for a patient. But when I finally woke up, I had become a child?!? And in front of me stood a destroyed carriage and a group of oddly dressed people, who were unconscious! “It’s just like a Murim world.” As I hurry to perform first aid in an attempt to save even one person, I realize that this world is that of [The Supreme Demon King], a Murim novel I’ve enjoyed reading. After meeting the rescue team of the ‘Three Great Doctors’, I found out that one of the person I saved was the protagonist of this novel, the future Demon King ‘Yeoharyun’! “Hey, since I’m indebted to you for saving me, call me ‘hyung’.” For saving his life, I become sworn brothers with the future Demon King, and Baekrineuison, one of the most knowledgeable people around, recognized my potential and took me in as his disciple. This is the story of how I became the greatest physician in Gangho! Résumé français : J'étais à l'étranger pour faire du bénévolat médical, lorsque la guerre civile a éclaté. J'ai été tué par un soldat rebelle, alors que je prenais une balle pour un patient. Mais quand je me suis finalement réveillé, j'étais devenu un enfant ! Et devant moi se tenait une charrette détruite et un groupe de personnes bizarrement vêtues, qui étaient inconscientes ! "C'est exactement comme un monde de Murim." Alors que je m'empresse de prodiguer les premiers soins pour tenter de sauver ne serait-ce qu'une personne, je réalise que ce monde est celui du [Roi Démon Suprême], un roman de Murim que j'ai pris plaisir à lire. Après avoir rencontré l'équipe de secours des "Trois Grands Docteurs", j'ai découvert qu'une des personnes que j'ai sauvées était le protagoniste de ce roman, le futur Roi Démon "Yeoharyun" ! "Hé, puisque je te suis redevable de m'avoir sauvé, appelle-moi "hyung"." Pour lui avoir sauvé la vie, je suis devenu frère de sang du futur Roi Démon, et Baekrineuison, l'une des personnes les mieux informées, a reconnu mon potentiel et m'a pris comme disciple. C'est ainsi que je suis devenu le plus grand médecin de Gangho !
Ch. 7
Feb 01, 2021