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Géneros: Drama , Romance
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Géneros: Drama , Romance
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David Valentine
David Valentine
Nov 26, 2022
women like coats. especially in the winter season. in my case, my wife needs some unique but stylish oness. when when i see the Yellowstone S02 Beth Dutton Leather Coat online, i order this immediately. i gift this on her birthday and she really happy for my gift. this coat not best for style but it is protect in cold weather as well.
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Oct 11, 2018
Una noticia para todos los que leen mi web-novel (https://es.niadd.com/original/10004204.html) a partir del proximo cap, cambiare el estilo del como narro la historia, la describire mejor y creo que asi estara mejor para entender y darse una idea de lo que verdaderamente esta pasando en los sucesos... Bueno eso esto, y una ultima cosa..
Los caps ahora seran semanales.... todos los martes los subire... empezando desde la proxima semana...
Asi que el siguiente cap sera ese dia...
Psdt: Esto lo hago ya que el tiempo que tengo ahora es muy reducido... y no me alcanza para subir cap cada 2 dias... Eso es todo adiooos
El original
Sep 22, 2018
Hola a todos... me gustaria que se pasen por mi web-novel.... veran he tenido algunos problemas en hacer toda la trama y bueno he puesto mucho esfuerzo en esta historia quisiera su apoyo, ya que realmente no se si mi novela esta yendo bien o no, ya que es muy dificil realizar una obra decente, estos capitulos que he publicado son mas "relleno" que historia y lo acepto, pero ese relleno es necesario para la trama, apartir del cap 5 la trama empezara a tomar forma... y se convertira verdaderamente en un obra no solo en relleno.... Bueno eso era todo espero su ayuda y apoyo... Gracias..
Psdt: Para todos los que leyeron el cap 2, esto no es, repito NO es una novela hentai y por lo tanto las escenas que he escrito solo la veran cada 100 caps asi que me gustaria que sigan a mi obra por lo que es y no simplemente por escenas hentai :v Gracias
El original
Aug 12, 2018
#Pampered-the-Ex-wife!Que rabia con esta china ome xd que vieja tan boba, parce. Me estresa esa actitud tan estúpida que tiene y lo peor es que se aguanta todo esto por pendeja (perdón, me alteré). Pero es la verdad, ese man le ha dicho que se vaya varias veces y sigue ahí, Dios mío dame paciencia xd
Y ese man¿qué? , si tanto le da náuseas tocarla entonces no lo haga y ya, perp no le hace hacer de todo, estos chinos
El original
Oct 09, 2018
He estado revisando ultimamente los datos de mi web-novel y estoy viendo que de todos los que siguen y leen monster no votan ni opinan al respecto de la obra...
Lo cual me parece algo extraño ya que veo que hay muchos seguidores de esta obra y me sorprendio un poco al ver que casi nadie opina de monster...
Digo esto ya que no puedo leer sus pensamientos y saber si les gusta o no les gusta mi obra... Por lo que a veces no estoy muy seguro con las decisiones que tomo de la trama o si estoy describiendo bien las escenas y sucesos...
Bueno solo era eso... Ya que hacia mucho tiempo que no revisaba las "estadisticas" de la novela... (Por el instituto :v)
PSdt :] Eso era todooo, bueno y el prox. cap saldra el jueves o viernes... Adiooooos :3
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Jayleen vaquerano
Jayleen vaquerano
Dec 05, 2018
Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
I went to the store for some chocolate flavoured milk
Came home with a thicc chocolate colored milf
All she wanted was a little gravy train for Christmas
She was pretty interested in giving me the business

Pretty sure I was like twenty when it happened (flex)
Speakers playing Marvin Gaye, so I started snapping
All of a sudden Momma had her ass clapping
We where in the aisle with the paper and the napkins
I was mesmerised by the was that it was shakin'
Looked down at her cart and all she had was bacon
Ooh shit, I think she want some breakfast
But out the corner of my eye I saw my fuckin' dentist

Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
Juice, sauce, little bit of dressing
Ice, wrist, little bit of flexing
I went to the store for some chocolate flavoured milk
Came home with a thicc chocolate colored milf
All she wanted was a little gravy train for Christmas
She was pretty interested in giving me the business

Guess it turned out that my dentist was a wife
Same dentist I had already piped thrice
I'm not trying to pull up on your wife girl I promise
But it's starting to look a lot like Trapped in the Closet
I was thinking about that masterpiece by R-Kelly
When suddenly my dentist started rubbing on my belly
Looked down at her cart, she had the biscuits with the jelly
That's the time that Gravy hit a threesome in the deli
Gravy got racks, and my baby got back
Serenading your bitch on the sax
No slack in my mac, you better relax

That my crib, scented candles with the dirty sprite
R-Kelly playing while I lay that pipe
Fuckin' with your bitch all night
I pull up with that pipe, I'ma
Pull up on your bitch, pull up with that bitch I'ma

(Gravy Train)
El original
Sep 26, 2018
Holaaa a todoos ! Como sabrán tengo mi web-novel "Monsters" esta novela trata de la sufrida e inestable vida de un chico de tan solo 17 años... Alguien ahora vacio y sin sentimientos... solo con un objetivo cumplir el sueño de alguien que amó... Esta historia actualmente se encuentra en el cap 5 y bueno, esta por empezar el "primer arco argumental de la novela". Esta historia tiene como para un aprox. de 200 caps... ya que la historia es muy larga ( 7w7 )
Aun asi, no soy alguien profesional para poder auto-criticarme y no soy muy lector de novelas... ya que mi mayor gusto es por el manga... Incluso, esta obra iba a ser un manga, pero por cuestiones de tiempo no puedo hacerlo ya que a penas me alcanza el tiempo para subir caps de la novela.. Y no queria que la idea que tenia desde hace años se "deseche" como las tantas ideas que he tenido...
No soy el mejor "escritor" ni lo sere.. ( Al menos por ahora xd ) solo soy un chico de 18 años que ama el arte del manga y la escritura... Que simplemente por "hobby" publica sus historias...
Pero se preguntaran por que hago esto ?
Veran, actualmente estudio sistemas ( una carrera muuuy aburrida :v ) ya que en el pais en donde vivo esta carrera es muy factible ( al igual que en otros paises creo :v ) pero, mi sueño siempre ha sido en ser diseñador grafico o escritor... Aunque nunca he tenido la "suerte" de llegar a publicar alguna de mis obras...
Por eso es que publico mi novela... por que con eso puedo saber si en verdad tengo o no "talento" para esto... talento para crear una buena e interesante historia, talento para crear personajes buenos, talento para crear "mi propio mundo"....
Solo queria decirles eso a todos los que leen mi obra ( y tambien para los que no lo hacen :3 ) Para que sepan un poco mas de mi ( eso creo xd ) y para que sepan el porque de publicar mi novela....
Sin mas que decir "gracias"... gracias a todos los que leen mi obra... la verdad me siento muy feliz cada vez que veo que mi obra le gusta a alguien o inclusive si no les gusta, me hace feliz ya que puedo leer sus opiniones y saber si en realidad voy por el "camino adecuado"....
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Nanami AMV'S
Nanami AMV'S
Jan 20, 2020
Já leram esse Mangá? eu Amo ele
Mangá: Survive As The Hero's Wife
Disponível em: MangaDogs e Mangá Geek
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Mar 15, 2023
Why Should You Pursue a Career in Data Science? (Career in Data Science, dissertation writing service, thesis help , assignment help Online)

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Data scientists will continue to be in high demand. Why is this taking place? What's behind this sudden increase in demand? We'll look at the reasons why a career in data science appears to be one of the most promising for years to come in this piece. Data science is in vogue. If you're wondering why it's one of the most promising job choices open to grads today, keep reading to learn the seven explanations.
Data science is a young and expanding subject that combines computer expertise with analytical thinking and statistical understanding. One may use their education, professional experience, and talents in a job in data science to take advantage of the staggering amounts of data that are constantly being mined and gathered from various sources.
This has prompted many to assert that people who are knowledgeable in data science are well-positioned for success in the modern world.
In light of the current growth and popularity of data science occupations, prospective data scientists may be asking themselves, "Should I Become a Data Scientist?
This essay examines seven factors that should influence your decision to work in data science.
Data science careers provide job stability
Imagine having a job that is secure and allowing you to utilise cutting-edge technology every day. There aren't many jobs in today's market that can make such grand claims. Due to technological improvements, many occupations have become obsolete; nevertheless, the field of data science is blooming with demand and will continue to grow at an accelerating rate.
The fact that data scientists may use their expertise in a variety of sectors and businesses explains in part why this is true. There are several chances open for you, whether you're interested in working in healthcare, government, or business consulting. Students can now avail dissertation writing service from SourceEssay.
In addition, businesses want their staff to keep up-to-date on new technology so they can better meet client expectations. As a result, most employers provide training opportunities to staff members who desire them (which means more money).
Another advantage is that companies typically offer great retirement plans within 3 years, which means less stress about saving enough money for retirement later on down the road when income may not be as high. In contrast, in other industries, employees must leave their employer after 5 years in order to receive retirement benefits like 401(k).
Data scientists are highly sought-after.
It is evident that there is a significant need for data scientists.
According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, there are more jobs available than qualified candidates, and incomes are high.
Data science has become one of the most sought-after professional paths in technology, according to TechRepublic. It's simple to see why data science has been a leader in the field for so long: It pays well, offers a wide range of career possibilities at prestigious firms all over the world, and enables experts to work on complex issues that have an impact on actual people. Students can now avail thesis help from SourceEssay professionals.

You can better comprehend the world around you thanks to data science.
A crucial tool for comprehending your surroundings is data science. We can observe and report on a lot of things in the world, but we don't really comprehend what they mean. By giving context that may be utilised to create inferences or develop insights, data science aids in our ability to make sense of observations. You can now take assignment help Online from SourceEssay experts.
Data science is essential for developing models or generating predictions that are beneficial for comprehending cause-and-effect relationships between variables (variables are measurable quantities).

By taking lessons from past experience and applying them to new circumstances, data science aims to provide answers to questions about why things occur and how they interact.

For instance, if a certain marketing campaign you did last year helped your firm develop over time, but this year's sales are slightly down from last year's, you'd need data science tools to figure out what went wrong so you can take action right away to replicate your last year's success.
One of the motivations for choosing a job in data science is to assist others.
Helping people is a terrific approach to use data science. Data science may be applied to better company operations, support education, and combat illness. For instance, it has been applied in medicine to estimate a patient's risk of heart disease depending on their lifestyle. It has also been used to assess instructors' effectiveness in the classroom by looking at the grades of their pupils and other data pertaining to their instructional skills.
Empathy and social responsibility are necessary for data scientists to flourish in this position. They should possess both technical skills, such as coding and data modelling, and strong analytical abilities in order to effectively find solutions to a variety of problems. This will allow them to use these solutions to solve real-world issues that are currently being faced by many different companies around the world.
Examine different positions in Career in Data Science
There is a growing need for experts who can transform raw data into useful insights as data becomes more widely available and more individuals have access to sophisticated computer equipment. This desire has encouraged the expansion of businesses like Google and Facebook that are experts at gathering and analysing massive volumes of data.
Teams of data scientists are employed by these businesses to study this data in addition to internal company data sources like consumer purchase histories or staff performance evaluations.
Data Science is not only a profitable career option, but it's also enjoyable. Although there are many technical difficulties and steep learning curves in the profession, it's vital to keep in mind that data scientists work with more than simply statistics.

In fact, many facets of the profession entail pursuing novel perspectives and discovering fresh angles from which to see the world. Using data science as a tool for social good is an excellent example. In this situation, you'll apply your knowledge of statistics and computer science to assist businesses like Google in solving some of the most pressing issues we face today, like homelessness, climate change, educational disparity, and more!
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May 17, 2021
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Yayoi: kitsune del yaoi
Yayoi: kitsune del yaoi
May 06, 2021
Esto es muy interesante, un poco difícil así que terminare de instalarme y comenzar a subir mas capítulos....
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Norkelly Guzman Hilario
Norkelly Guzman Hilario
May 14, 2021
diamantes gratis
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May 14, 2021
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May 13, 2021
cute 😭💕
hehe 🍥🍡✨
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Jalon George
Jalon George
May 10, 2021
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Facundo Correa61608
Facundo Correa61608
May 02, 2021
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Selena Md
Selena Md
Apr 30, 2021
진실은, 그녀는 귀엽다.
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Ail Ajm
Ail Ajm
Apr 29, 2021
kgkoi@Silva React
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Miguel Antonio Cabezas Chamorro
Miguel Antonio Cabezas Chamorro
Apr 28, 2021
Hola soy nuevo espero llevarme bien con todos😁😁😁
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Apr 28, 2021
Sakura Yamauchi ✨
Você tem algum problema ou sugestão, não hesite em nos contatar.
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