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Aug 19, 2018
#Lookismlo primero tengo que decir jiho eres un bastardo de M * espero recibas tu castigo y aprendas a valorar a tus amigos ...
James lee si que era un prodigio un genio de la alta categoría ... ahora con la intriga quien está detrás de la puerta ?!
PD . me encantó sigan traduciendo esto está que ARDE !!!
El original
Angie Jaquelyn
Angie Jaquelyn
Aug 19, 2018
#Lookismes el papá de cristal 😱😱😱 y le dice que se olvide de james lee ya que el hizo todo eso porque queria escapar de su vida.( algo haci entendi jajajaj cuando salga el cap se entendera mejor ya que el otro esta en ingles webtoom)
El original
Aug 19, 2018
#LookismQue está pasándooo???... esto se a vuelto intenso, es realmente misterioso quien es la verdadera identidad de James lee (creo que era así )... Yo al principio pensé que era una identificacion falsa creado por el amigo que es rubio y rico ... Pero parece que no es así ... creo ..
El original
Aug 23, 2018
#LookismMe matan los intentos de ser caballeroso de Vasco xD A mi la verdad no me gustan ese tipo de “tratos”. Además, ciertamente Leonn Lee se me vino de sorpresa. Aún con sus claros rasgos femeninos en el rostro jamás se me vino a la cabeza que fuese mujer. Jaja sin duda Lookism continúa sacando historia tras historia llenas de lecciones y escenas divertidas. No me puedo cansar de esto ^u^
El original
Darksito destroyer
Darksito destroyer
Aug 22, 2018
#Ore-dake-Haireru-Kakushi-Dungeon-Kossori-Kitaete-Sekai-SaikyouMe gusta mucho los isekai 😢 no c porque yo por mi leería muchos isekai pero el 0.0000001 tiene fin y si tiene final no está subtitulado a español skkssi , pero me e dado cuenta que ahora será gente lee no?
El original
Ali Hernandez
Ali Hernandez
Aug 19, 2018
No lo puedo creer entonces cual es la verdad de toda esta historia no puedo esperar para que se actualicen más capítulos quien sera esa persona que le dijo bienvenido park hyung sunk quien es en realidad james lee no puedo esperar para saber si todo lo que 🙈 vio y la identidad de su cuerpo .....porfavor sigan actualizando más capítulos 😀😀😀😀😍😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤
El original
Aug 19, 2018
#Lookismnooooooo! me quiero volver changoooooooo!! esto está cada vez más interesante y me dejan así???? mierda mierda tengo muchos sentimientos!! será que james lee se suicidó y apareció el extraño fenómeno para hyung suk? quién está en la casa es amigo?
quién era james?
cómo resolverá esto hyung suk?
El original
Jan 04, 2019
Me disculpo con todos los seguidores de #NacidodelaIndiferencia, estuve my ocupado y no pude seguir escribiendo, simplemente subia capitulos de mi otra novela #ElDiariodeunaOvejaNegra porque ya los tenia escritos... Pero volvi para quedarme :D y tendremos a #Jin por un largo tiempo... Como todos los viernes a partir de ahora, NUEVO CAPITULO DE NACIDO DE LA INDIFERENCIA

*Enfrentamiento Parte2*

Espero lo disfruten y dejen sus comentarios :D
El original
Aug 21, 2018
#Entre-el-Amor-y-la-Amistadsaráng!!!!!!! amor mio.. ven a mis brazos que to te consuelo :'v

jinwoo idiota!!!! >:'v... no me decepciones, si lo haces llorar te castro!...

cierto alguien noto al chico que se parece a jin woo .. hace dos capítulos que lo vengo pensando.. y siempre que enfocan a una persona asi , es por que sera parte crucial de la trama.. solo espero que mi sarang este bien :'c
El original
Shen Mengtian
Shen Mengtian
Aug 17, 2018
#The-God-of-High-School¡¡¡¡Estoy como una maldita Fan Girl en este maldito momento!!!!, Conteniendo mi grito de emoción nada más porque me da algo de vergüenza gritarlo, pero esto es malditamente Épico, solo los esta usando para probar el resultado de su entrenamiento en el torneo, osea, ellos usando todo su maldito poder y el sigue conteniendo-se, Mori Jin es un maldito lunático.
El original
Aug 19, 2018
#LookismNONONONO!!! Porque se termino justo en la mejor parte?! A sido increíble. No puedo creerlo. James Lee en verdad es la identidad del otro cuerpo?, o es una trampa?, O las dos?... siento que estamos llegando a algún lado con respecto a todo esto del segundo cuerpo. Se revelará por fin el cómo y el porque ocurrió este fenómeno? Wow simplemente genial. Amo al autor cada vez más. Sin duda mi manhwa favorito
El original
Vanessa 🐈‍⬛
Vanessa 🐈‍⬛
Aug 15, 2018
#Marmoleado-Rom-nticoAwww que genial!! ese men es bien descarado osea la deja y toda onda y ahora que disque esta muy enamorado y quiere volver con ella.. que se vaya @##&%@[email protected] pero bueno Lee es lindo ojala ella ae enamore mas de el.. y el otro que se vaya al lado de la mujer esa que solo la quiere por dinero! 😠 jaja ahh ya quiero veeeer maaas!
El original
Mar 08, 2019
recomendacion de manga:

nombre: shiki

bueno me vi todo el anime de porraso, trata de una "batalla" creo, entre vampiros y unos pueblerinos y que los vampiros están algo así aliados con los hombres lobo, un doctor de el pueblo convence a los demás que la familia rica de ese pueblo son vampiros, se arma el desmadre y cazan a todos los vampiros que esa familia a convertirdo, osea los vampiros ricos de el pueblo convirtieron a una parte de la gente de el pueblo en vampiros a costa de sus vidas.

y acá es donde pido ayuda no entiendo el final, para nada!
el amigo de él doctor escapa con la hija de los vampiros ricos y ahy quedó todo.

osea no entiendo, pero si quieres que tu mente vuele en el aire sin tener que recurrir a drogas (que son malas) lee este manga
El original
Vinovatyy Volk
Vinovatyy Volk
Dec 30, 2018
Hola, Agregue un Boton de Donaciones a mi Historia "Alius Fabula Amoris", Apenas voy empezando a Publicar como tal pero tengo Muchisimas Ideas para seguir y Seguir por años, Mi Meta en la vida es Dedicarme a Escribir y Dibujar de lleno, ademas quisiera llegar a trabajar en conjunto con otros Dibujantes y asi Escribir historias mas elavoradas ya que a mi de momento se me dificultan bastantes tipos de dibujo, como los de Accion y Combates, El Boton es solamente para quien Quiera Donar algo, pero si ya eres alguien que lee e incluso comenta y comparte mi historia, ya me estas dando bastante motivacion para seguir, asi que Muchas Gracias! :D

Por Ultimo, aqui les dejo mi Pagina de Facebook y mi Twitter, donde subo varios bocetos y demas :3

Que Tengan Felices Fiestas! :D
El original
Nov 15, 2020
O estudante universitário de 26 anos Gong Woo-Jin acidentalmente recebe um pacote destinado a seu vizinho barulhento. Quando Woo-Jin vai devolver o pacote ao seu legítimo dono, ele encontra Yoon Yoonoh em uma situação comprometedora ... O que espera Woo-Jin e Yoonoh no futuro?
El original
Jan 25, 2019
La clave del éxito de Solo Leveling

Muchas personas ponen este manhwa como TOP 1, y me gustaría hablar del por qué.

¿Qué tiene esta serie que la hace tan buena y tan disfrutable?

El elemento principal es la fantasía; esa característica que permite que todo sea posible. ¿Un sistema que te permite que tu vida sea como un juego RPG? ¿Quién no querría eso? Pero no uno de esos mundos flojuchos en los que apenas pasa nada (sí, The Gamer, te miro a ti), sino uno con acción RPG de verdad. Y es precisamente esa acción (al obligar a Jin-Woo a cumplir misiones de ejercicio físico diarias) lo que permite que este personaje empiece a crecer y a desarrollarse. ¿Cómo sino iba convertirse en un VERDADERO personaje principal? Esto no es Katekyō Hitman Reborn.

Esta formula ya la hemos visto. ¿No es parecida a Boku no Hero Academia? El protagonista adquiere una habilidad OP, sí, pero no sólo por tenerla significa que él también esté OP, no. Su entrenamiento, su crecimiento y su desarrollo es la chicha, la carne de la serie, como dice el meme, lvl 1 crook --> lvl 100 mafia boss. ESA es la clave del éxito y Solo Leveling la tiene.

Pero el truco no está sólo en tener, sino en además retener y que no se te suba a la cabeza (sí, The Gamer, te miro a ti otra vez). Jin-Woo es cuidadoso de no revelar sus habilidades, es cauto, no quiere destacar, quiere vivir tranquilo. Además es honesto y amable. No ayuda a todos desinteresadamente pero tampoco deja a nadie abandonado, aunque si puede sacar provecho, lo hace. ¿Quién no lo haría?

El remate aquí es cómo se desarrolla Jin-Woo. [spoiler] En los últimos capítulos se ve cómo mata al tank de rango A Kim Chul porque ya tenía en mente usar su sombra. Aunque ese gilipollas se lo merece, sólo se preocupaba de cumplir la misión y dejó abandonados a los demás miembros de su gremio. Y cuando entras en una mazmorra, tienes que estar preparado para la posibilidad de que mueras[/spoiler]. Alguien así no es humano, y no lo digo en el sentido sólo de que los Hyakki (los elfos gélidos) lo distingan de los humanos porque su "voz interior" no les diga que lo maten, estoy hablando de un tema psicológico. Una persona mentalmente sana ni siquiera se plantea matar a otra, nuestro cerebro no funciona así y no está hecho para ello a no ser que sea en defensa propia, y aún así nunca reaccionamos con el propósito de matar, sólo de defendernos. Por eso la guerra es algo horrible que nunca debió existir siquiera.

Esta es mi "pequeña" review sobre esta serie, espero que les guste.
El original
Dec 20, 2022
All You Need To Know About Commercial Dishwashing Machines

Dishwashing is a fundamental piece of any foodservice association's work, and there are many motivations to have a business dishwashing machine for your café. It facilitates and accelerates the work as well as gives cleanliness, which influences clients' considerations about your café by giving clean dishes rapidly when required, which lessens the hanging tight time for them. The cleaning principles should be met for each plate which can arrive at hundreds just in an hour to give client security.

Some home-type dishwashers may not propose to disinfect however just spotless. In actuality, business dishwashing machines should clean every one of the dishes, guaranteeing no microbes are left utilizing either boiling water or disinfecting synthetic substances. Having a business dishwashing machine that addresses the issues of your eatery will help you significantly to effectively run your work. We can count a lot of motivations to have a business dishwashing machine, which you can find beneath.

1. Kind of dishwasher
Business Undercounter Dishwashers
Business Glasswashers
Business Utensil Washers
Burrow Machines
Business Transport Dishwashers
Entryway Type Dishwashers
2. Business Dishwashing Machine Size and limit
3. Temperature
4. Energy proficiency
5. Cost
Cleaning Business Dishwashing Machines in 4 Stages
End For Business Dishwashing Machines
The Motivations To Have A Business Dishwashing Machine
Business dishwashing machines can wash dishes at some random time utilizing a measure of water, which makes it totally productive. Lessening the staff's work, business dishwashing machines permit them to involve their time for other work.

Speed-save time
Contrasted with manual pot washing, business dishwashing machines can wash a tremendous measure of dishes in a bit of time. A business dishwashing machine saves a considerable amount of time, which is one of its fundamental advantages.

Food handling
As a food administration business administrator, you want to follow food handling guidelines. A business dishwashing machine is what you want to guarantee that you get disinfected and clean dishes that fit these guidelines.

Fundamental Focuses For Buying a Business Dishwashing Machine
Prior to picking a business dishwasher, it is fundamental to think about a few unique variables, so we recorded the focuses for picking the best business dishwashing machine for your café.

1. Sort of dishwasher
There are different sorts of business best business dishwashing machines that are planned explicitly for various purposes, with various capabilities, and in various sizes.

Business Undercounter Dishwasher
Business Undercounter Dishwashers
In the event that you have a private company that requires just a little activity, a business undercounter dishwasher will fill the need. On the off chance that you don't have a huge space, it will impeccably accommodate your kitchen with its conservative plan. A business under-counter dishwasher can for the most part wash 25 to 30 racks each hour, making it a completely effective ad dishwasher that little cafés are searching for.

Business Glasswasher
Business Glasswashers
A business glasswasher is an ideal choice for places that need spotless and glossy dishes constantly, like a bustling bar. They are made exceptionally to wash dishes and can change in size and elements. In the event that you utilize tall dish sets, picking a glasswasher with bigger leeway will meet your requirements, and taking a gander at the temperature sort of washers is fundamental as there are either low or high-temperature washers.

Entryway Type Pot Skillet Utensil Dishwasher
Business Utensil Washers
A business utensil dishwasher is an ideal fit where little kitchen supplies, for example, cutlery and plates are not normally utilized. Business utensil washers are unequivocally made for pots and skillet with strong washing siphons and huge clearances and give cleaning completely and disinfecting utensils.

Burrow Machines
A passage machine is ideally suited for a major foundation that needs a dishwasher that can wash an enormous measure of dishes in a brief timeframe, as it can clean up to 9 thousand dishes in 60 minutes. They accompany a transport framework where you put the plates in plate, and traveling through the passage, dishes get washed with cleanser, then, at that point, high temp water, and afterward dried all together. Eventually, you prepare flawless and to-utilize plates.

Business Transport Dishwasher
Business Transport Dishwashers
Wonderful in both volume and speed, a business transport dishwasher is great for enormous foundations which serve many clients daily. They generally utilize high-temperature washing. The main benefit of a transport dishwasher is the moveable racks. Laborers can stack up the racks and put them to wash sequentially, which allows you consistently to utilize it without filling for once and holding on to wash.

Entryway Type Dishwasher
Entryway Type Dishwashers
For the most part, they are more modest than a transport washer, which is comparable in speed, so it is reasonable for eateries that need more space for a transport dishwasher. Entryway type dishwashers come either with a couple of racks, and the interaction runs like you fill the racks, run the washing cycle, and afterward get your spotless dishes. Since they use an excess of force, they ought to be introduced by an electrical technician.

2. Business Dishwashing Machine Size and limit
The size of your organization decides the size of your business dishwashing machine. On the off chance that there isn't much of cleaning to be finished, a business under-counter dishwasher might do the trick; a little business dishwasher that has an entryway toward the front and, as the name infers, can fit under your counter. It will be adequate for little foundations, yet you will need a greater one in an enormous eatery with greater limit, like transport dishwashers. While settling on the size and limit, remember that your decision will influence your business' future.

3. Temperature
There are two choices for business dishwashing machines; high or low-temperature dishwashers. The two of them utilize cleanser and disinfecting synthetics, yet the thing that matters is the disinfecting technique they use. While a high-temperature business dishwashing machine utilizes heat (150-160 ◦F) to disinfect the dishes, a low-temp business dishwasher utilizes compound sanitizers with 120-140◦F. Due to the high temperatures, high-temp dishwashers have condensate hoods.

Every sort enjoys benefits and hindrances. The condensate hood will add to the expense on the off chance that you need a high-temp washer, and situating in a little kitchen might question. Cleaning synthetic compounds in a low-temperature machine, then again, may stain and harm your dishware. What's more, the persistent requirement for these synthetic substances will expand the cost while you won't require a condensate hood any longer. So you might pick the one thinking about the expenses and your accessible space.

4. Energy productivity
Nothing bad can be said about monitoring cash while guaranteeing the machine can stay aware of the cleaning needs. Energy and water are the two essential assets for all dishwashers. The energy-proficient models offer low-energy modes that you might use as needs be, and they consume less energy when they are inactive. Additionally, there are a few models that utilization less water yet take care of business.

The Energy Star name is an administration run association that assesses business dishwashers. As indicated by their certificate, the machine polishes off 40% less water and is 40% more energy-proficient, so you can search for it while picking a business dishwashing machine.

5. Cost
Another fundamental point is that you additionally need to figure up the underlying and proceeding with uses of the business dishwashing machines. As you fill in size and limit, your forthright and proceeding with costs rise. Go through and transport dishwashers, then again, can save you and your staff time. Since they require a gigantic amount of energy, high-temperature machines have a more prominent introductory and proceeding with cost. Be that as it may, the dishes dry rapidly. Also, you'll need to purchase synthetic compounds all the more regularly with low-temperature washers.

It is important that you don't reduce corners on expenses. Albeit an under-counter dishwasher is less expensive, it might fizzle assuming the interest surpasses its ability. This could cost you clients, which could be more costly than the underlying uses of a bigger machine.

Cleaning Business Dishwashing Machines in 4 Stages
business kitchen-productivity
In spite of the fact that it's one of the bits of gear in the last station of your business in the capacity readiness cooking-serving-cleaning pentagon, it has a similar significance as others. After you buy a business dishwashing machine, keeping it in great shape is fundamental. You should have clean dishes and other serving instruments to maintain your business easily and increment your kitchen proficiency.

Wash within the business dishwashing machine utilizing cleanser or other disinfecting synthetic substances and flush with high temp water. Remember to allow your business dishwashing to machine cool and channel in the wake of washing by leaving it open.
To keep hard water from stopping up the hoses, utilizing white vinegar while cleaning is awesome and commonsense.
Cleaning the channel is fundamental, for it might cause obstructing results in uncleaned and stained dishes. You might clean it with the assistance of a brush and cleanser subsequent to eliminating the soil away.
Leaving the dishwasher entryway open until it turns out to be totally dry is smart to keep microorganisms from developing.
check commercial washer price ;
El original
Jan 11, 2023
Commercial Milkshake Machine Buying Guide

What sorts of milkshake are there?
Dairy based milkshakes are the customary choice and is presently the most well-known structure being a minor departure from frozen yogurt blend. Be that as it may, similar to every effective item, the term 'milkshakes' has advanced to be open to find a place with most of dietary necessities and patterns. Losing the 'milk' and shorting the term to just 'stirs' opens up practically vast potential outcomes.

As of now you can get the accompanying kinds of 'Shake' (there's no question others):

Full fat, dairy milkshakes made utilizing new milk, cream and stabilizers.
UHT 'Thick Shake' where a level of the fat is gotten from a vegetable source.
UHT 'Non-Dairy' Shakes where the fats are all gotten from a vegetable source and there's no milk-based fixings. These items are normally vegan and Halal (check with the producer).
Vegetarian shakes, where the fats are generally nut, coconut or soy based.
Organic product smoothies (not exactly a shake but rather… ) made with a mix of organic products, sugar and water.
For the reasons for this article, we will zero in on conventional dairy based milkshake blends and the Taylor machines which can be utilized to make these items.

Milkshake blends can come in various structures, each has the broiler up-sides and negatives:

Newly Ready. This is a fluid that requires consistent refrigeration until required. It very well may be put away for 5 to 7 days before microbes ruins it. Quality can be seriously undermined by bacterial pollution and overseers should practice watchfulness to keep up with quality. 'New blends' occasionally come profound frozen to broaden time span of usability; this then, at that point, requires totally thawing out in a cooler preceding being filled the delicate serve machine.
A powdered blend. This is a dried variant of the fluid blend. It enjoys the benefit of simple dispersion and can be put away for significant stretches of time without ruining. Water or milk/cream should be added preceding being filled the milkshake cooler. The drawback of a powdered blend is the 'human component' on the off chance that staff individuals don't follow the recipe accurately or the stock of fixings is conflicting, the completed item will be conflicting. A few less legitimate administrators can put a lot of water in to make it go further. In a perfect world the pre-arranged fluid blend ought to be refrigerated preceding use, as airborne and waterborne microscopic organisms can contaminate it right away and can develop rapidly on the off chance that the item is warm. Remaining microorganisms in the refrigerated container could likewise be enacted on the off chance that a warm item is presented.
Ultra-Intensity Treated (UHT) blend, is a fluid blend which has been sanitized and stuffed in fixed, sterile sacks or containers. It can typically keep going for as long as nine months without refrigeration and can be emptied straightforwardly into the milkshake machine quickly after opening. At the hour of opening, quality can be ensured, and bacterial counts are zero. Wellbeing specialists as a rule consider UHT the most secure type of shake blend available. For best outcomes, to help with the productivity of the cooler and for cleanliness reasons, UHT blends ought to likewise be pre-chilled prior to adding it to the milkshake machine.
With regards to picking the sort of blend for your business you really want to think about a couple of things:

Who am I selling it as well? - Age bunch/those with strict convictions and so forth.
What amount could I at any point sell it for? - New blends will constantly cost more to deliver per segment than UHT counterparts. Ensure you have a blend which permits you to make sufficient edge on the item.
Will clients like it? - don't wrongly attempt to impact the world excessively quick and too early. In the event that your client base is utilized to a dairy based item, changing to a veggie lover item 'over-night' may lose you clients. Keep in mind, since you as it doesn't mean the remainder of the world will…
What's the contrast among business and hand crafted milkshakes?
Business Milkshake Machine Purchasing GuideOne of the exceptional selling points of value frozen milkshakes, and a significant explanation they're a particularly extraordinary dealer, is the way that they're truly hard to reproduce them at home. A legitimate milkshake machine freezes the whole item, creating a uniform and smooth item. The freezing system can be controlled to make a completed item which is the best consistency or thickness which goes on for longer in the cup once served (for what reason do you think significant cheap food chains use milkshake machines). Natively constructed shakes made by mixing frozen yogurt into milk normally brings about a messy, lopsided beverage which is frozen yogurt suspended in milk which, after a brief period, can isolate out with the frozen yogurt drifting on top. The parting of mixed shakes can at some point look entirely bothersome.

Making your own 'custom made' blend for your milkshake machine will give you the possibility to make a special item which no other administrator can sell. This permits you to source quality fixings to create a more top notch item would it be a good idea for you need, and you can stay away from any fixings which you class as 'terrible'. The drawback is that making your own will wind up setting you back more per segment, however you might have the option to charge more on the off chance that it's a noticeably more superior item.

Things to contemplate while picking your milkshake cooler…
Not all shake and frozen drink machines are made equivalent and ensuring that you have the right variety for your business will have a significant effect. The underlying buy cost will continuously be a component, however it ought not be the really main thrust when you go with a last choice. You really want to take a gander at every one of the accompanying focuses to ensure you have the right machine for your business. Keep in mind, the right machine in the right area could pay for itself inside the main year!

Yet, prior to whatever else…

What is a business milkshake machine?
A business milkshake cooler is an independent, independent machine which transforms fluid base blend into completed frozen milkshakes on request. Most machines are single flavor, normally vanilla. High-volume machines consolidate an on-board syrup framework permitting the serving of up to four extra kinds of shake. On the other hand, a remarkable sack in-box framework, called Flavor Burst, can be introduced on most of Taylor Frozen Drink Coolers, this permits you to serve up to eight extra flavors.

How do business milkshake machines producers work?
Business Milkshake Machine Purchasing GuideOne of the exceptional selling focuses frozen milkshakes is that they're newly frozen on request, making a smooth liberal frozen yogurt item which is difficult to duplicate without the legitimate machine. Fluid shake blend is put away in a refrigerated container situated in the highest point of the machine. Contingent upon the sort of machine, the fluid blend is either siphoned or streams by gravity into the back of the freezing chamber. Once in the freezing chamber, a twisting formed blender outline pivots, beating the blend. The stirring integrates a level of air into the completed item which is called invaded. As the blender pivots, the fluid blend freezes on to the refrigerated surfaces of the chamber which is then rejected off and beaten once more into the shake. Following a couple of moments, the milkshake machine makes a frozen item which is thick in consistency and smooth in surface with an overwhelm level of anything from 20 to 85+ (contingent upon blend and machine type). This is then administered straightforwardly from the machine into a cup, on the other hand it very well may be 'turned' with considerations prior to being served. As completed shakes are apportioned from the draw handle, the wine tool plan of the blender promotes the excess frozen item towards the entryway permitting new fluid blend to stream into the back of the barrel what begins to freeze naturally proceeding with the cycle. This programmed activity keeps 'barely enough' impeccably frozen item prepared to serve and afterward consequently recharges itself guaranteeing that the completion item is generally 'newly frozen' and as great as it might conceivably be.

Milkshakes machines eventually work similarly as a delicate serve cooler, the primary distinction being the point which the machine freezes the item to. Delicate serve should be frozen strong, though milkshakes are frozen less to the ideal place where it's thick and liberal yet runny enough to be sucked through a straw!

Presently you're hoping to purchase a milkshake machine you want to pose yourself these two straightforward inquiries:

What number of segments do you suppose you'll sell a day?
When during the day do you suppose you'll sell them?
In the event that you're hoping to add milkshakes to your current business and hope to sell shakes consistently over the course of the day, yet not in any enormous numbers all simultaneously, then, at that point, a minimized, ledge, air cooled machine like the Taylor 430 can presumably adapt joyfully to the volume requests of your business as this can create 2 to 3 12oz shakes consistently without compromising the item quality. Yet, in the event that you're an odds and ends shop of cheap food or quick relaxed eatery which has a bustling spikes where you'll have to serve a high volume of bits in a brief time frame period then a lot bigger, siphon took care of machine like the Taylor PH61 would be better as this machine can serve 12oz shakes constantly over the course of the day ceaselessly!
Check milkshake blender machine;
El original
Damian Bogado
Damian Bogado
Nov 27, 2020
Problemas de niadd

Bueno si algun administrador de niadd lee esto espero que agregen una funcion de que no pueda subir conteni por 1 semana si unas de aus historias es eliminada hablo del perfil de francisca araya que aunque eliminen su contenido repulsivo lo vuelve a subir como si nada pasara osea me estai weando pa que sirve eliminar una historia si lo va a volver a subir el rwportar una historia se vuelve inutil asi
El original
Niko 7u7
Niko 7u7
Sep 19, 2019
Sakurasou no pet na kanojo.
#Manga y Anime Reviews ¶∆

Originalmente una novela ligera escrita por Hajime Kamoshida e ilustrada por Kēji Mizoguchi narra la vida escolar de Kenta, nuestro protagonista, quien es alojado en los dormitorios Sakurasou los cuales tienen fama de albergar a los estudiantes más "especiales" de la escuela donde él asiste, el busca hacer lo posible por salir de ahí pero la encargada de los dormitorios le pide que vaya por un nuevo residente la cual resulta ser una chica de su edad bastante guapa y torpe, estúpida yo diría, pero estúpida linda, de nombre Mashiro quien además es una reconocida pintora la cual no tiene idea de como cuidar de ella misma debido a esto kenta decide cuidar de ella y así comienza la historia desenvolviéndose en torno a la relación de Kenta y Mashiro, una serie llena de amorsh pero con sus toques realistas como buen seinen. 


Misaki es una oppai que dibuja bien y está enamorada de Jin su amigo de la infancia.

Jim un mujeriego enamorado de Misaki.

Nanami la tsundere amiga de Kenta enamorada de él.

Ryuunosuke un trapito hacker xd

Rita excompañera de Mashiro se enamora del trapito porque oh sí con pit0 es mas riko.

Cuenta con un manga ilustrado por Hoki Kusano y un anime dirigido por Atsuko Ishizuka quien también dirigió No Game No Life Zero.
Fin :3
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😀 😁 😂 😄 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 😍 😘 🙂 😐 😏 😣 😯 😪 😫 😌 😜 😒 😔 😖 😤 😭 😱 😳 😵 😠 🤔 🤐 😴 😔 🤑 🤗 👻 💩 🙈 🙉 🙊 💪 👈 👉 👆 👇 🖐 👌 👏 🙏 🤝 👂 👃 👀 👅 👄 💋 💘 💖 💗 💔 💤 💢
Carregar página anterior
Carregar próxima página
Carregar página anterior
Carregar próxima página
*O formato da url não é válido, verifique e tente novamente por favor
😀 😁 😂 😄 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 😍 😘 🙂 😐 😏 😣 😯 😪 😫 😌 😜 😒 😔 😖 😤 😭 😱 😳 😵 😠 🤔 🤐 😴 😔 🤑 🤗 👻 💩 🙈 🙉 🙊 💪 👈 👉 👆 👇 🖐 👌 👏 🙏 🤝 👂 👃 👀 👅 👄 💋 💘 💖 💗 💔 💤 💢
*O formato da url não é válido, verifique e tente novamente por favor
😀 😁 😂 😄 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 😍 😘 🙂 😐 😏 😣 😯 😪 😫 😌 😜 😒 😔 😖 😤 😭 😱 😳 😵 😠 🤔 🤐 😴 😔 🤑 🤗 👻 💩 🙈 🙉 🙊 💪 👈 👉 👆 👇 🖐 👌 👏 🙏 🤝 👂 👃 👀 👅 👄 💋 💘 💖 💗 💔 💤 💢
Carregar página anterior
Carregar próxima página
Carregar página anterior
Carregar próxima página
Envio vídeo
Comece a fazer o upload
*O tipo de vídeo deve ser MP4
😀 😁 😂 😄 😆 😉 😊 😋 😎 😍 😘 🙂 😐 😏 😣 😯 😪 😫 😌 😜 😒 😔 😖 😤 😭 😱 😳 😵 😠 🤔 🤐 😴 😔 🤑 🤗 👻 💩 🙈 🙉 🙊 💪 👈 👉 👆 👇 🖐 👌 👏 🙏 🤝 👂 👃 👀 👅 👄 💋 💘 💖 💗 💔 💤 💢