Though I May Be A Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness!
Though I May Be A Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness!
Annulled engagements, "serves you right"s, condemnation events, doting, royalty, reincarnated heroines, banishment endings… it's fully loaded with all the charms of villainesses! The comic adaption of 5 popular villainess stories that were published on Shousetsuka ni Narou! An anthology of oneshots with happy endings!! Volume 1 Descriptions/Info: SpoilerLINEUP Cover art: Maro ◆"The Villainess Will Obtain True Love" Artist: Hoshino Soumei Author: Nekomata Doremi An annulled engagement at a graduation party?! ◆"The Tale of the Noble Girl Who Will Go to a Monastery After Her Engagement Annulment" Artist: Sorakura Shikiji Author: Yuuki Satoru Banishment after her younger sister steals her fiancé?! ◆"I Will Definitely Get My Engagement Annulled! ~I Will Become a Villainess!" Artist: Kuroe Yui Author: Reiga Utsuho To break off her engagement, she harasses the daughter of a baron?! ◆"Shall We Walk Hand in Hand Down the Flowery Path of Evil?" Artist: Yamashiro Umeta Author: Mafuyubi After her engagement is annulled, she gets married to a fat old baldy?! ◆"The Villainess Trifles With the Second Prince's First Love" Artist: Ohitsuji Ei Author: Mizuno Saaya After being condemned, the second prince appears before me… ----------------- A sudden engagement annulment, and a quickly approaching condemnation event…! Tossed aside by the prince, and getting married to this man…?! All the fiancés are crazy about the lovely little sister?! The one to reach out their hand to the villainess who just had her engagement annulled is…?!
6 Eu reencarnei como uma vilã. Venha rápido, ao meu evento de término de noivado
Jul 29, 2021
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