67 votos
Alternativa(s): Гантз; ガンツ; 杀戮都市; 간츠
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67 votos
Alternativa(s): Гантз; ガンツ; 杀戮都市; 간츠
A língua Português
Kurono Kei é um jovem individualista, inseguro e pervertido. Sempre odiou a tudo e a todos. Um dia encontra no metrô um antigo conhecido seu, que não via desde quando era uma criança Katou Masaru. De início tenta evitá-lo, mas vê um mendigo bêbado caindo nos trilhos. Katou e Kurono tentam salvá-lo, só que acabam morrendo atropelados. Eles se espantam ao ver que foram levados até uma sala, juntos com outras pessoas. No meio dela está uma esfera negra, Gantz. Ela toca uma música e passa uma missão para matar Aliens. Mostra o arsenal de armas e o uniforme de cada um presente na sala. A missão deles é sobreviver ao jogo e matar os aliens indicados dentro do tempo e campo estipulado.
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News Gantz' Hiroya Oku, I am a Hero's Kengo Hanazawa Launch New Manga
Oku's GIGANT manga featuring "boy meets girl" story launches on December 8 This year's 23rd issue of Shogakukan's Big Comic Superior magazine revealed on Friday that Hiroya Oku (Gantz, Inuyashiki) and Kengo Hanazawa (I am a Hero) will each launch a new manga series in the magazine. Oku will launch the GIGANT manga in the magazine's first 2018 issue on December 8. The magazine describes the series as a "boy meets girl" manga. Shogakukan will reveal the title and premiere date of Hanazawa's new manga at a later date. Haito Torishima will launch the Kono Koi wa Tsumi nano ka!? manga in the magazine's 2018 third issue on January 12. Aki Yamamoto (Humanitas) will launch the Kenja no Gakusha (The Sage's School Building) manga in the magazine's fourth 2018 issue, which will ship on January 26. Yugo Ishikawa (Sprite, Wonderland, Yoiko, Fighting Beauty Wulong) will also launch a new historical manga titled BABEL in the second 2018 issue, which will ship on December 22. Oku
Nov 09, 2017
Vistas 1954
News Hiroya Oku's Gantz Manga Gets Stage Play
Play runs in Tokyo from January 26 through February 4 Shueisha opened a website on Friday to announce that Hiroya Oku's Gantz manga is inspiring a stage play adaptation titled GANTZ:L Ace & Action Stage. The play will run for 12 performances from January 26 through February 4 at The Galaxy Theatre in Tokyo. The play stars (Note: name romanizations for original characters aren't confirmed): (left to right in top row) Hiroki Hyakuna as Kei Kurono Kensuke Takahashi as Masaru Katō Nana Asakawa as Kei Kishimoto (left to right in middle row) Hisanori Satō as Jōichirō Nishi Fuminori Murase (30-DELUX) as Minoru Sakamoto (original character) Tatsuya Kageyama as Osamu Koike (original character) (left to right in bottom row) Kaiki Ōhara as Kōichi Takahashi (original character) Ray Fujita as Makoto Yano (original character) Yuki Kubota as Shion Izumi Katsuhide Suzuki is directing and writing the script for the play. Jūji Shimizu (30-DELUX) is in charge of the
Nov 17, 2017
Vistas 1642
News GANTZ:L Stage Play Reveals 4 More Character Visuals
Play runs in Tokyo from January 26 through February 4 The official website for GANTZ:L Ace & Action Stage, the stage play adaptation of Hiroya Oku's Gantz manga, revealed visuals on Saturday featuring four more of the show's cast members in costume. Kensuke Takahashi as Masaru Katō Nana Asakawa as Kei Kishimoto Yuki Kubota as Shion Izumi Hisanori Satō as Jōichirō Nishi The site previously revealed a visual of Hiroki Hyakuna as Kei Kurono: The rest of the cast includes: (Note: name romanizations for original characters aren't confirmed) Fuminori Murase (30-DELUX) as Minoru Sakamoto (original character) Tatsuya Kageyama as Osamu Koike (original character) Kaiki Ōhara as Kōichi Takahashi (original character) Ray Fujita as Makoto Yano (original character) The play will run for 12 performances from January 26 through February 4 at The Galaxy Theatre in Tokyo. Katsuhide Suzuki is directing and writing the script for the play. Jūji Shimizu (30-DELUX) is in charge o
Nov 25, 2017
Vistas 1483
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El original
Aug 18, 2018
#THE-LAW-OF-THE-YAMAEsto me recuerda a Gantz
El original
Luis Di Vazquez
Luis Di Vazquez
Aug 13, 2018
#GantzNo es por ser aguafiestas pero ellos ya fueron al cuarto de la verdad a ver a quien mando la tecnología de gantz al mundo?
El original
Nov 26, 2020
se tive estômago fraco né assista
se for menor de 16 tá barrado
El original
David Manuel Gonzalez
David Manuel Gonzalez
Aug 15, 2018
#Gantzdisculpen yo leei gantz hace bastante y no recuerdo en que capitulo me quede, solo recuerdo que era la parte donde el protagonista estaba cargando a la mestra y el estaba siendo cazado y khe el men cargaba a ella por unas vias del tren y eso todo lo que recuerdo.
aparte tampoco recuerdl el name del prota, del amigo que se murio (hace bastante qe sad :'v aparte ese men tenia bastante ganado jaja )
El original
Yayoi: kitsune del yaoi
Yayoi: kitsune del yaoi
May 06, 2021
Esto es muy interesante, un poco difícil así que terminare de instalarme y comenzar a subir mas capítulos....